000050_news@columbia.edu_Sun Oct 8 16:29:23 1995.msg
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From: mike@knot.QueensU.CA (Mike Smith)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Kermit 3.14 under Win95 problem
Date: 8 Oct 1995 12:29:23 -0400
Organization: Queen's University, Kingston
Lines: 60
Message-Id: <458u93$o8g@ccs-sparc2.queensu.ca>
References: <1995Oct4.102543@earth.medcolpa.edu> <453dpf$cie@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu> <1995Oct7.144551.63053@cc.usu.edu>
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In article <1995Oct7.144551.63053@cc.usu.edu>, jrd@cc.usu.edu (Joe Doupnik) writes:
|> In article <453dpf$cie@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu>, fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu (Frank da Cruz) writes:
|> > In article <1995Oct4.102543@earth.medcolpa.edu>,
|> > <schoffstall@earth.medcolpa.edu> wrote:
|> >>I'm running Kermit 3.14 under Win95. It runs fine when you shut
|> >>down Win95 and run a DOS session, but it won't run in a DOS box as a
|> >>Win95 process, apparently because it can't detect the port. After it
|> >>executes MSCUSTOM.INI, I get the message:
|> >>
|> >>?Warning: unknown hardware for port. Using the Bios as BIOS1
|> >>Unimplemented speed
|> >>?Cannot use RTS/CTS on non-UART parts
|> -----------
|> I have a suggestion for those afflicted with the above message.
|> Open the Windows Control Panel, choose Ports, tell Windows the IRQ and
|> port address of your COMx ports, restart Windows. Brave souls may wish
|> to further configure Windows to cope with 16550A UARTs, according to
|> whatever MS Windows instructions you happen to have.
|> I ran quick tests of MSK under WFW 3.11 here, and using serial
|> ports was clean every time. I had done the above.
... snip ...
Joe may be on to something here. I use Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and
I have an external modem on COM2. I find that I can consistently force
the unknown hardware warning when I:
- turn the modem off
- start Windows
- turn the modem on
- start Kermit
There may be other scenarios that cause the error. I don't know because
I put a macro in my mscustom.ini file that tests for the failure and
sleeps 2 seconds and reissues the set port command. On my PC this always
clears the error so I've stopped wondering about it.
However, I followed Joe's suggestion and used the Windows Control Panel
Ports item to explicitly set the COM1 and COM2 values in my system.ini.
Before doing this, the file had no values for these two ports but did
have entries for COM3 and COM4 (which do not in fact exist). After
exiting and restarting Windows I still got the unknown hardware warning.
I then exited Windows and edited system.ini to delete the bogus entries
for COM3 and COM4. Rerunning the test described above I did not get the
I'm not ready to claim I'll never see the error again but others may
find my experiment useful. I don't know how the COM3/COM4 entries got
into my system.ini file. It is possible I inadvertantly created them
demonstrating the Control Panel to someone.
As a final test, I exited Windows, deleted the COM1/COM2 lines in
system.ini, and reran the power modem off, start Windows, power modem
on, start Kermit experiment. This again produced the unknown hardware
warning. So for my PC and WfW 3.11 it looks like Joe is right. When
my system.ini file accurately describes my real COM ports I do not get
the unknown hardware warning.
Mike Smith mike@ccs.queensu.ca
Queen's University Michael.D.Smith@QueensU.CA
Computing and Communications Services (613) 545-2024